Meet us at ISSA/INTERCLEAN North America

ISSA/INTERCLEAN North America Trade Show and ISSA Convention 2017 The Twister team is excited to meet colleagues, partners and customers at one of the industries foremost trade shows during the year – ISSA/INTERCLEAN North America 2017. If you want to get ahead of the competition and be first in line for information about our latest [...]

Twister changes company name

Dear Twister™ Partners and Customers. This is to inform you that the Construction Division of Husqvarna Group has entered into an agreement to acquire HTC’s Floor Grinding Solutions Division. For you as a Twister customer/partner, this change will have no impact on our business relationship. Polaris Private Equity, which acquired HTC Group in 2013, will [...]

The first retail store cleaned with Twister

10 years later After 10 years of daily floor cleaning with Twister diamond pads, the terrazzo tiles at this ICA Maxi retail store in Sweden, are shinier and more inviting than ever. Chemical-free cleaning has proven its value. ICA Maxi and the the cleaning Contractor, Exiso, as well as HTC Twister all testify to successful [...]

Welcome to our new website

Twister launches new website 2017 2016 was a positive year for the Twister Team. We celebrated 10 amazing years on the market. We grew as a company, with new customers, with new team members and with experience. Our anniversary also meant updating our graphic profile and further solidifying our customer promises and brand values. We [...]

By |February 28th, 2017|Övrigt @en|0 Comments